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University of the Punjab

  • Listed: August 30, 2016 4:51 pm
University of the Punjab


Mission Statement 
Our mission is to provide a holistic education as such an approach has a two fold benefit.
The first is that young people are nurtured to be sensitive, tolerant, humane and capable of thinking in a creative and critical way. The second is, that armed with a sense of history and equipped with knowledge and expertise, the graduates whom we send out into the world are in a better position to develop their leadership potential and make a positive contribution to public life. We hope that understanding as they do, their role in the wider community of human kind and responsible to it their action and attitudes will reflect their education.

Academic Departments

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    Afternoon ->
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Degree Program Name small bullet small bullet small bullet
M. Phil M.Phil in South Asian Studies
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Ph. D Ph.D. in South Asian Studies
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Degree Program Name small bullet small bullet small bullet
Masters M.A. Archaeology
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Masters M.A. Archaeology Evening Program
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Masters M.Phil. Archaeology
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Degree Program Name small bullet small bullet small bullet
Diploma Diploma in Linguistics
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Diploma Post Graduate Diploma in English Language Teaching (ELT)
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Graduate BS English (Afternoon Program)
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M. Phil MS/ M.Phil English
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Masters M.A. English
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Masters M.A. English (Self Supporting)
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Ph. D Ph.D English
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Degree Program Name small bullet small bullet small bullet
Certificates Certificate in French Language (DELF – A1) Self-Supporting Programme
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Certificates French Online Certificate (DELF – A1) Self-Supporting Programme
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Diploma Certificate in French language (DELF – A2) (Self-Supporting Program)
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Graduate BS French
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M. Phil M.Phil French
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Masters M.A. French
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Masters M.A. French (Self-Supporting)
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Degree Program Name small bullet small bullet small bullet
M. Phil M.Phil in History
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M. Phil M.Phil in History (Self-Supporting Program)
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Masters MA Pakistan Studies (Self Supporting)
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Masters M.A. History
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Ph. D Ph.D in History
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Degree Program Name small bullet small bullet small bullet
Graduate BS Philosophy
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Masters M.A. Philosophy
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Masters M.Phil Philosophy
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Ph. D Ph.D Philosophy
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Degree Program Name small bullet small bullet small bullet
M. Phil MS/ M.Phil Pakistan Studies
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Ph. D Ph.D. Pakistan Studies
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Degree Program Name small bullet small bullet small bullet
Diploma D.I.A. (Post Graduate Diploma in International Affairs)
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Graduate BS Political Science (Afternoon)
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M. Phil MS/ M.Phil Political Science
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M. Phil MS/ M.Phil International Relations
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Masters MA Political Science
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Masters MA Diplomacy & Strategic Studies (Afternoon)
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Masters MA International Relations (Afternoon)
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Ph. D Ph.D Political Science
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Ph. D Ph.D. International Relations
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Degree Program Name small bullet small bullet small bullet
M. Phil M.Phil in Social Work
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Masters MSc Social Work (Replica Afternoon / Self Supporting)
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Masters MSc Social Work (Regular)
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Ph. D Ph.D in Social Work
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Degree Program Name small bullet small bullet small bullet
Diploma Postgraduate Diploma in Development Support Communication Self Supporting
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Diploma Postgraduate Diploma in Television Production Self Supporting
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Diploma Postgraduate Diploma in Photo Journalism (Self Supporting)
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Graduate BS Communication Studies
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M. Phil MS/ M.Phil Communication Studies (Professional Track)
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M. Phil MS/ M. Phil Communication Studies (Research Track)
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Masters MSc Communication Studies Self Supporting Replica
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Masters MA Communication Studies (Regular)
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Masters M.Sc Communication Studies Self Supporting (Development Journalism)
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Masters M.Sc Communication Studies Self Supporting (Film & Television)
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Ph. D Ph.D. in Communication Studies
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Degree Program Name small bullet small bullet small bullet
Graduate BS (4-Years) Sociology & Socio-Cultural Studies
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Graduate BS (4-Years) Sociology & Socio- Cultural Studies (Replica/Self-Supporting/ Afternoon)
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M. Phil M.Phil Education Policy and Development (Morning/Self-Supporting)
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M. Phil M.Phil Sociology (Morning/Self-Supporting)
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Masters M.Sc Development Studies (Morning/Self-Supporting)
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Masters M.Sc. Criminology & Security Studies (Evening/Self-Supporting)
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Masters M.Sc. Population Sciences (Afternoon/Self-Supporting)
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Ph. D Ph.D Sociology (Morning/Self-Supporting)
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Sub department under Institute of Social & Cultural Studies.
Degree Program Name small bullet small bullet small bullet
Masters M.Sc. Criminology & Security Studies (Evening/Self-Supporting) small bullet small bullet small bullet
Sub department under Institute of Social & Cultural Studies.
Degree Program Name small bullet small bullet small bullet
Masters M.Sc Development Studies (Morning/Self-Supporting) small bullet small bullet small bullet
Sub department under Institute of Social & Cultural Studies.
Degree Program Name small bullet small bullet small bullet
Certificates Short Courses (Marriage, Family and Family Laws) small bullet small bullet small bullet
Certificates Short Courses to be offered soon small bullet small bullet small bullet
Graduate BS (Hons) Morning small bullet small bullet small bullet
Graduate BS (Hons) Replica small bullet small bullet small bullet
M. Phil M.Phil Gender Studies (Morning/Self-Supporting) small bullet small bullet small bullet
Masters M.Sc Gender Studies (Replica/Self-Supporting) small bullet small bullet small bullet
Masters M.Sc Gender Studies small bullet small bullet small bullet
Ph. D Ph.D Gender Studies (Morning/Self-Supporting) small bullet small bullet small bullet
Sub department under Institute of Social & Cultural Studies.
Degree Program Name small bullet small bullet small bullet
Masters M.Sc. Population Sciences (Afternoon/Self-Supporting) small bullet small bullet small bullet
Sub department under Institute of Social & Cultural Studies.
Degree Program Name small bullet small bullet small bullet
M. Phil M.Phil. in Public Health (Evening Program/ Self-Supporting) small bullet small bullet small bullet
Ph. D PhD in Public Health (Evening Program) small bullet small bullet small bullet
Sub department under Institute of Social & Cultural Studies.
Degree Program Name small bullet small bullet small bullet
Masters M.Sc Sociology small bullet small bullet small bullet
Masters M.Sc Sociology Self Supporting Afternoon small bullet small bullet small bullet
Degree Program Name small bullet small bullet small bullet
Diploma Diploma in Entrepreneurship Development (DED) Evening
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Diploma Diploma in Cost and Management Accounting (DCMA) Evening
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Graduate B.Com. (Hons.) Morning Program
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Graduate B.Com (Hons.) Self Supporting Program
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M. Phil M.Phil. (Commerce) (2 Years Program)
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Masters M.Com (1 1/2 Years) Self Supporting
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Masters M.Com (3 1/2 Years) Morning
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Masters M.Com (3 1/2 Years) Self-Supporting
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Masters M.Com (1 1/2 Years)
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Ph. D Ph.D. (Commerce) (3 Year Program)
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Degree Program Name small bullet small bullet small bullet
Diploma Post Graduate Diploma in Applied Economics (PGDAE) (Self Supporting)
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M. Phil M.Phil Economics (Morning / Self-Supporting)
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Masters M.Sc Economics Self Supporting/ Replica
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Masters M.Sc Economics (Morning)
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Masters Master of Business Economics (MBEcon) Self-Supporting (Afternoon)
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Ph. D Ph.D. (Economics)
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Degree Program Name small bullet small bullet small bullet
M. Phil M.Phil in Information Management
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Masters Master of Information Management (Morning)
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Masters Master of Information Management (Self Supporting)
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Ph. D Ph.D in Information Management
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Degree Program Name small bullet small bullet small bullet
Diploma Post-graduate Diploma in Human Resource Management
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Graduate B.S. Management (Regular Program)
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Graduate B.S. Management (Self Supporting Program)
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M. Phil M.Phil Management (Regular / Self-Supporting Evening Program)
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M. Phil MS Human Resource Management (18 Years) (Regular / Self-Supporting Evening Program)
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M. Phil MS Health Administration (18 years) (Self Supporting / Evening Program)
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Masters Masters of Human Resource Management (Regular Program)
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Masters Masters of Human Resource Management (Self Supporting / Evening)
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Masters Masters of Health Administration (Self Supporting Evening Program)
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Masters Masters of Marketing (Self Supporting / Evening)
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Masters MPA (18 Years) Public Administration (Regular / Self-Supporting Evening Program)
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Ph. D Ph.D Management
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Degree Program Name small bullet small bullet small bullet
Graduate BBIT (Hons.) (Replica)
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Graduate BBIT (Hons.) (Morning)
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Masters MBIT (1 1/2 Years) (Regular)
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Degree Program Name small bullet small bullet small bullet
Diploma PGD Business Administration Self Supporting
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Graduate BBA (Hons.) Morning
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Graduate BBA (Hons.) Afternoon Self Supporting
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M. Phil M.Phil in Business Administration (Morning)
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Masters MBA Evening Self Supporting
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Masters MBA (1 1/2 Year)
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Masters MBA 3.5 Years Self Supporting Program
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Ph. D Ph.D in Business Administration (Morning)
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Degree Program Name small bullet small bullet small bullet
Certificates Short Course in Sign Language
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Certificates Short Course in Speech Theraphy
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M. Phil M.Phil in Special Education (Regular Program)
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Masters MA Special Education
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Masters MA Special Education Self Supporting
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Degree Program Name small bullet small bullet small bullet
Diploma PGD in Montessori Education
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Graduate B.Ed in Technical Education
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M. Phil M.Phil in Education (Regular)
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M. Phil M.Phil in Education (Evening) Weekend
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Ph. D Ph.D in Education (Regular)
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Ph. D Ph.D in Education (Evening) Weekend
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Sub department under Institute of Education & Research.
Degree Program Name small bullet small bullet small bullet
Masters Master of Business Education (MBE) Self Supporting small bullet small bullet small bullet
Masters Master of Business Education (MBE) small bullet small bullet small bullet
Sub department under Institute of Education & Research.
Degree Program Name small bullet small bullet small bullet
Masters M.A. Educational Research and Assessment small bullet small bullet small bullet
Masters M.A. Educational Research and Assessment Self Supporting small bullet small bullet small bullet
Sub department under Institute of Education & Research.
Degree Program Name small bullet small bullet small bullet
Graduate B.Ed (4 years) Elementary small bullet small bullet small bullet
Graduate B.Ed (4 years) Elementary Self Supporting small bullet small bullet small bullet
Masters MA Education Elementary small bullet small bullet small bullet
Masters M.Ed Elementary small bullet small bullet small bullet
Masters M.Ed Elementary Self Supporting small bullet small bullet small bullet
Masters MA Education Elementary Self Supporting small bullet small bullet small bullet
Masters M.A. Education Early Childhood small bullet small bullet small bullet
Masters M.A. Education Early Childhood Self Supporting small bullet small bullet small bullet
Sub department under Institute of Education & Research.
Degree Program Name small bullet small bullet small bullet
Masters M.A. Education Islamic small bullet small bullet small bullet
Masters M.A. Education Islamic Self Supporting small bullet small bullet small bullet
Sub department under Institute of Education & Research.
Degree Program Name small bullet small bullet small bullet
Graduate B.S.Ed (Hons) Morning small bullet small bullet small bullet
Graduate B.S.Ed (Hons) Self Supporting small bullet small bullet small bullet
Masters Master of Science Education (MS Ed) small bullet small bullet small bullet
Masters Master of Science Education (MS Ed) Self Supporting small bullet small bullet small bullet
Masters M.Ed Science small bullet small bullet small bullet
Masters M.Ed Science Self Supporting small bullet small bullet small bullet
Sub department under Institute of Education & Research.
Degree Program Name small bullet small bullet small bullet
Masters MA Education Secondary small bullet small bullet small bullet
Masters M.Ed Secondary Self Supporting small bullet small bullet small bullet
Masters M.Ed Secondary small bullet small bullet small bullet
Masters MA Education Secondary Self Supporting small bullet small bullet small bullet
Sub department under Institute of Education & Research.
Degree Program Name small bullet small bullet small bullet
Masters Master of Technology Education (MTE) (Self-Supporting) small bullet small bullet small bullet
Masters Master of Technology Education (MTE) small bullet small bullet small bullet
Sub department under Institute of Education & Research.
Degree Program Name small bullet small bullet small bullet
Masters MA English Language Teaching and Linguistics small bullet small bullet small bullet
Masters MA English Language Teaching and Linguistics Self Supporting small bullet small bullet small bullet
Degree Program Name small bullet small bullet small bullet
M. Phil M.Phil Coal Technology (Self Supporting)
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Masters M.Sc. Coal Technology
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Degree Program Name small bullet small bullet small bullet
Certificates Short Course in Textile Technology
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Certificates Short Course in Professional Textile Laboratory
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Diploma 1-Year Diploma in Denim Manufacturing Programme (Self-Supporting Program)
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Diploma 1-Year Diploma in Textile Merchandising Programme (Self-Supporting Program)
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Diploma 1-Year Diploma in Textile Testing and Quality Control (Self-Supporting Program)
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Diploma Post Graduate Diploma in Textile Technology (PGD)
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Graduate B.Sc. in Textile Engineering (Launch Soon)
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Masters M.Sc. (Engg.) Textile Engineering (Self-Supporting Program)
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Degree Program Name small bullet small bullet small bullet
Graduate B.Sc. Engineering (Self Supporting)
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Graduate B.Sc. Engineering (Regular)
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Masters M.Sc (Engg.) Chemical Engineering (Self Supporting)
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Ph. D Ph.D Chemical Engineering
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Degree Program Name small bullet small bullet small bullet
Diploma Post-Graduate Diploma in Total Quality Management
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Graduate B.Sc (Engg.) Industrial Engineering & Management
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Masters MS Industrial Engineering & Management (Self-Supporting / Evening)
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Masters MS / M.Phil TQM Management (Self-Support / Evening)
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Masters M.Sc Quality & performance Management (QPM) (Regular Program)
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Masters M.Sc Quality & performance Management (QPM) (Self Support / Afternoon Program)
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Ph. D Ph.D. TQM
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Sub department under University College of Engineering & Emerging Technologies.
Degree Program Name small bullet small bullet small bullet
Graduate B.Sc (Engg.) Electrical Engineering small bullet small bullet small bullet
Masters M.Sc. Electrical Engineering small bullet small bullet small bullet
Sub department under University College of Engineering & Emerging Technologies.
Degree Program Name small bullet small bullet small bullet
Diploma Post-Graduate Diploma in Foundry Technology small bullet small bullet small bullet
Diploma Post-Graduate Diploma in Corrosion Technology small bullet small bullet small bullet
Graduate B.Sc (Engg.) Metallurgy & Materials Engineering (Morning) small bullet small bullet small bullet
Graduate B.Sc (Engg.) Metallurgy & Materials Engineering (Self Supporting) small bullet small bullet small bullet
Masters M.Sc (Engg.) Metallurgy and Materials Engineering (Self Supporting / Evening Program) small bullet small bullet small bullet
Ph. D Ph.D Metallurgy and Materials Engineering small bullet small bullet small bullet
Sub department under University College of Engineering & Emerging Technologies.
Degree Program Name small bullet small bullet small bullet
M. Phil M.Phil Polymer Technology (Self Supporting) small bullet small bullet small bullet
Ph. D Ph.D. Polymer Technology small bullet small bullet small bullet
Degree Program Name small bullet small bullet small bullet
M. Phil M.Phil Islamic Studies (Regular Program, Morning)
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M. Phil M.Phil Islamic Studies (Specialization in World Religions) Self Supporting
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M. Phil M.Phil Islamic Studies (Specialization in Islamic Economics) Self Supporting
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Masters MA Islamic Studies
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Ph. D Ph.D Islamic Studies
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Degree Program Name small bullet small bullet small bullet
Diploma Diploma in Arabic
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Diploma Diploma in Sharia
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Graduate BS Islamic Studies
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M. Phil M.Phil Islamic Studies
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Ph. D Ph.D. in Islamic Studies
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Degree Program Name small bullet small bullet small bullet
Diploma Diploma in International Trade Law (W.T.O) (Evening)
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Diploma Diploma in Taxation Law (Evening)
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Diploma Diploma in Labour Laws (Evening)
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Diploma Diploma in Intellectual Property Law (Evening)
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Diploma Diploma in Environmental Law (Evening)
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Diploma Diploma in Banking Law (Evening)
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Diploma Diploma in Corporate Law Practice (Evening)
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Graduate LL.B 05 Years Program (Annual System)
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Graduate LL.M. (Evening)
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Masters LL.M. (Morning)
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Ph. D Ph.D. in Law & Human Rights
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Degree Program Name small bullet small bullet small bullet
Graduate BS (H.) Applied Molecular Biology and Forensic Sciences
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M. Phil M.Phil. Applied Molecular Biology and Forensic Sciences
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Ph. D Ph.D. Applied Molecular Biology and Forensic Sciences
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Degree Program Name small bullet small bullet small bullet
Certificates LISL Summer Program
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Diploma Advanced Diploma in Clinical Psychology (ADCP) (Regular)
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Diploma Advanced Diploma in Clinical Psychology (Self Supporting/ Replica)
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Diploma MS Top Up Program in Clinical Psychology
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Graduate BS (4 years) Clinical Psychology
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M. Phil MS in Speech Language & Pathology
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Masters MS in Clinical Psychology
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Ph. D Ph.D in Clinical Psychology
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Degree Program Name small bullet small bullet small bullet
M. Phil M.Phil Molecular Biology
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Ph. D Ph.D Molecular Biology
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Degree Program Name small bullet small bullet small bullet
Graduate BS Botany
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M. Phil M.Phil Botany
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Masters M.Sc. Botany
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Masters MS Botany
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Ph. D Ph.D Botany
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Degree Program Name small bullet small bullet small bullet
Graduate BS Microbiology and Molecular Genetics
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M. Phil MS / M.Phil Microbiology and Molecular Genetics
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Masters M.Sc. Microbiology & Molecular Genetics
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Ph. D Ph.D. Microbiology & Molecular Genetics (Regular)
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Degree Program Name small bullet small bullet small bullet
Graduate BS Physical Education
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Masters MSc Sports Sciences Physical Education (Afternoon)
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Masters MSc Sports Sciences Physical Education (Morning)
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Degree Program Name small bullet small bullet small bullet
Graduate BS Zoology
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M. Phil MS / M.Phil Zoology (Morning)
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M. Phil MS / M.Phil Zoology (Replica) (Evening)
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M. Phil M.Phil Zoology (In-service Program)
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Masters M.Sc. Zoology (Morning)
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Masters M.Sc. Zoology Replica (Evening)
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Ph. D Ph.D. Zoology (Regular)
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Ph. D Ph.D Zoology Old Scheme
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Degree Program Name small bullet small bullet small bullet
Graduate B.Sc. (Hons.) Agriculture (Plant Pathology) (Morning / Replica)
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Graduate B.Sc. (Hons.) Agriculture (Horticulture) (Morning / Replica)
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Graduate B.Sc. (Hons.) Agriculture (Food Science & Technology) (Morning / Replica)
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Masters M.Sc. (Hons.) / M.Phil Agriculture (Food Science & Technology) (Morning / Replica)
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Masters M.Sc. (Hons.) / M.Phil Agriculture (Plant Pathology) (Morning / Replica)
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Masters M.Sc. (Hons.) / M.Phil Agriculture (Horticulture) (Morning / Replica)
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Ph. D Ph.D. (Agriculture)
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Degree Program Name small bullet small bullet small bullet
M. Phil M.Phil Applied Psychology
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M. Phil MS Health Psychology Program
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Masters BS (4-years.) in Applied Psychology (Morning / Replica / Self-Supporting)
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Masters M.Sc Applied Psychology (Morning)
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Masters M.Sc Applied Psychology (Replica / Self-Supporting)
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Ph. D Ph.D. Applied Psychology
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Degree Program Name small bullet small bullet small bullet
Graduate BS Biochemistry
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Graduate BS Biotechnology
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M. Phil MS Biotechnology
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M. Phil MS Biochemistry
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Masters M.Sc. Biochemistry
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Masters M.Sc. Biotechnology
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Masters M.Sc Biochemistry / Biotechnology
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Ph. D Ph.D. Biochemistry
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Ph. D Ph.D Biotechnology
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Degree Program Name small bullet small bullet small bullet
M. Phil BS / M.Sc Leading to MS / M.Phil Biological Sciences
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Ph. D Ph.D. Biological Sciences
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Degree Program Name small bullet small bullet small bullet
Diploma Diploma in Arabic Language
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M. Phil MS / M.Phil Arabic
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Masters MA Arabic
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Ph. D Ph.D Arabic
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Degree Program Name small bullet small bullet small bullet
Diploma Diploma in Spanish
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Diploma Diploma in Italian
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Diploma Diploma in Portuguese
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Diploma Diploma in Russian
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Diploma Diploma in German
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Diploma Diploma in Latin
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Diploma Diploma in Greek
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Diploma Diploma in Hebrew
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Diploma Diploma in Turkish
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Diploma Diploma in Chinese
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Diploma Diploma in Sindhi
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Diploma Diploma in Pashto
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Degree Program Name small bullet small bullet small bullet
M. Phil M.Phil GIS and Remote Sensing
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Masters M.Sc GIS Morning
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Masters M.Sc GIS Self-Supporting
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Degree Program Name small bullet small bullet small bullet
Diploma Post Graduate Diploma (1 Year) Computational Physics
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Graduate BS Computational Physics Self-Supporting
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Graduate BS Computational Physics Regular
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M. Phil M.Phil (High Energy Physics)
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Masters M.Sc Computational Physics Regular
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Masters M.Sc Computational Physics Self-Supporting
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Ph. D Ph.D. (High Energy Physics)
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Degree Program Name small bullet small bullet small bullet
Diploma PGD in Ecotourism
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Diploma PGD in Health Safety & Environmental Management (HSEM)
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Diploma PGD in Integrated Water Resources and Environmental Conservation
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Diploma PGD in Land Resource Management Through RS & GIS
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Graduate BS Mountain Conservation & Water shed Management (MCWM) (Regular)
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Masters M.Sc Mountain conservation & water shed Management (MCWM) (Morning / Self-Supporting)
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Masters MS / M.Phil in Geo-Environmental Conservation and Sustainable Development (GCSD)
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Ph. D Ph.D in Geo-Environmental Conservation and Sustainable Development (GCSD)
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Degree Program Name small bullet small bullet small bullet
M. Phil M.Phil Micro Electronic Engineering & Semi Conductor Physics
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M. Phil M.Phil Solid State Physics
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M. Phil MS Nano Technology
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Ph. D Ph.D. Solid State Physics
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Degree Program Name small bullet small bullet small bullet
Graduate BS Environmental Science Morning
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Graduate BS Environmental Science (Self Supporting)
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M. Phil M.Phil Applied Hydrology
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Masters MS Environmental Sciences
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Masters M.Sc. Applied Hydrology
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Masters M.Sc Tourism & Hospitality Management
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Masters M.Sc Environmental Sciences (Self Supporting)
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Masters M.Sc Tourism & Hospitality Management (Self Supporting)
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Masters M.Sc Environmental Sciences
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Ph. D Ph.D. Environmental Sciences
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Ph. D Ph.D Applied Hydrology
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Ph. D Ph.D Geomatics
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Ph. D M.Phil Geomatics
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Degree Program Name small bullet small bullet small bullet
Graduate BS (Honors) in Statistics (Regular)
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Graduate BS (Honors) in Statistics (Self Supporting)
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M. Phil M.Phil in Statistics (Regular)
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Masters M.Sc. Statistics (Self Supporting)
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Masters M.Sc. Statistics (Regular)
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Masters M.Sc. Biostatistics (Self Supporting)
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Masters Master of Information & Operational Management (Self Supporting)
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Masters M.Sc. Actuarial Science (Regular)
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Masters M.Sc. Actuarial Science (Self Supporting)
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Masters M.Sc. Business Statistics and Management (Self Supporting)
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Ph. D Ph.D in Statistics (Regular)
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Degree Program Name small bullet small bullet small bullet
Graduate BS Geography
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Graduate BS Geography (Self Supporting)
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M. Phil M.Phil Geography Morning / Self-Supporting
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M. Phil MS Applied GISc & RS (Morning/ Self Supporting)
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Masters M.Sc. Geography (Morning)
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Masters M.Sc Geography Self Supporting
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Ph. D Ph.D. Geography
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Degree Program Name small bullet small bullet small bullet
Graduate BS Mathematics
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M. Phil M.Phil Mathematics
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Masters M.Sc. Mathematics (Morning)
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Masters M.Sc. Mathematics (Self Supporting)
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Ph. D Ph.D Mathematics
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Degree Program Name small bullet small bullet small bullet
Graduate BS Physics
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M. Phil MS / M.Phil Physics (Regular / Replica / Afternoon)
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Masters M.Sc Physics
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Ph. D Ph.D Physics
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Degree Program Name small bullet small bullet small bullet
Diploma P.G.D. (Space Sciences)
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Graduate BS Space Science
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M. Phil M.Phil Space Science
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Masters M.Sc. Space Science
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Degree Program Name small bullet small bullet small bullet
Graduate BS Chemistry
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M. Phil M.Phil Chemistry
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Masters M.Sc Chemistry Self Support Evening Program
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Masters M.Sc Chemistry Morning
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Ph. D Ph.D. Chemistry
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Degree Program Name small bullet small bullet small bullet
Graduate BS (4-years) Applied Geology (Morning / Replica)
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M. Phil M.Phil Geomatics
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M. Phil M.Phil Applied Geology
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Masters M.Sc. Seismology (Self-Supporting)
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Ph. D Ph.D Applied Geology
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Ph. D Ph.D Geomatics (3-Years)
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Degree Program Name small bullet small bullet small bullet
Diploma Professional Diploma in Interior Design
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Diploma Prof. Diploma in Miniature Painting
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Diploma M.Phil Leading to Ph.D. in Theoretical Discipline
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Diploma Professional Diploma in Drawing
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Diploma Prof. Diploma in Painting
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Diploma Professional Diploma in Graphic Designing
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Diploma Prof. Diploma in Computer Graphics
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Diploma Prof Diploma in Textile Designing
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Diploma M.Phil Leading to Ph.D. in Practical Discipline
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Diploma Prof. Diploma in Sculpture
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Graduate B. Architecture
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Graduate BFA Graphic Design (Replica)
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Graduate BFA Graphic Design
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Graduate BFA Textile Design
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Graduate BFA Painting
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Graduate BFA Painting (Replica)
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Graduate BFA Sculpture
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Graduate BFA Graphic Arts
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Graduate BFA Book Illustration
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M. Phil M.Phil. (Morning)
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M. Phil M.Phil. (Evening)
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Masters MFA Fine Arts Painting (Replica)
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Masters MFA Fine Arts Painting
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Masters MA in Painting
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Masters MA Fine Arts
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Masters MA Fine Arts (Replica)
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Masters MA Music
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Masters MS Art History
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Masters MFA Fine Arts Sculpture
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Masters MFA Fine Arts Sculpture (Replica)
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Masters MFA Fine Arts Graphic Arts
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Masters MFA Fine Arts Graphic Arts (Replica)
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Masters MFA Textile Design
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Masters MFA Graphic Design
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Masters MFA Graphic Design (Replica)
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Masters MFA Book Illustration
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Masters MFA Book Illustration (Replica)
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Masters M. Architecture Evening Program
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Ph. D Ph.D
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Sub department under University College of Arts & Design.
Degree Program Name small bullet small bullet small bullet
Diploma Professional Diploma in Graphic Design small bullet small bullet small bullet
Diploma Post Graduate Diploma in Web Designing small bullet small bullet small bullet
Diploma Prof. Diploma in Textile Desingning small bullet small bullet small bullet
Diploma Prof. Diploma in Photography small bullet small bullet small bullet
Diploma Prof. Diploma in Computer Graphics small bullet small bullet small bullet
Sub department under University College of Arts & Design.
Degree Program Name small bullet small bullet small bullet
Diploma Professional Diploma in Painting small bullet small bullet small bullet
Diploma Prof. Diploma in Sculpture small bullet small bullet small bullet
Diploma Prof. Diploma in Print-making small bullet small bullet small bullet
Diploma Prof. Diploma in Miniature Painting small bullet small bullet small bullet
Sub department under University College of Arts & Design.
Degree Program Name small bullet small bullet small bullet
Diploma One Year Professional Diploma in Textile Design: (Evening Program) small bullet small bullet small bullet
Degree Program Name small bullet small bullet small bullet
Graduate BBA (Hons) Insurance & Risk Management (Morning)
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Graduate BBA (Hons) Banking & Finance (Morning)
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Masters MBA (3.5 Years) (Banking & Finance) Morning
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Masters MBA (3.5 Years) Insurance & Risk Management (Morning)
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Masters MBA (3.5 Years) Banking & Finance (Evening / Self Supporting)
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Masters MBA (1.5 Years) Banking & Finance (Morning) (After BBA (Hons) 4 years Bachelor Degree)
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Masters MBA (3.5 Years) Insurance & Risk Management (Evening / Self Supporting)
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Masters MBA (1.5 Years) Insurance & Risk Management (After BBA (Hons.) 4 years Bachelor Degree) (Morning)
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Degree Program Name small bullet small bullet small bullet
Diploma Diploma in Hindi Language & Literature
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Degree Program Name small bullet small bullet small bullet
Diploma Diploma in Kashmiri Language (Evening Program)
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M. Phil MS / M.Phil Kashmir Studies
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Masters MA Kashmir Studies (Morning Program)
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Ph. D Ph.D Kashmir Studies
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Degree Program Name small bullet small bullet small bullet
Diploma Persian Language Diploma
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M. Phil M.Phil Persian
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Masters MA Persian
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Ph. D Ph.D Persian
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Degree Program Name small bullet small bullet small bullet
M. Phil M.Phil Punjabi
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Masters MA Punjabi
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Ph. D Ph.D. Punjabi
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Degree Program Name small bullet small bullet small bullet
Certificates Certificate in Urdu
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Diploma Diploma in Urdu
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Diploma Advanced Diploma Class in Urdu
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M. Phil M.Phil Urdu
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Masters MA Urdu
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Ph. D Ph.D Urdu
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Degree Program Name small bullet small bullet small bullet
Graduate Pharm.D (Evening)
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Graduate Pharm.D (Morning)
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M. Phil M.Phil Pharmacy (Self Supporting Evening Program)
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M. Phil M.Phil Pharmacy (Morning Program)
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Ph. D Ph.D. Pharmacy
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Degree Program Name small bullet small bullet small bullet
Graduate BS Software Engineering (Morning)
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Graduate BS Software Engineering (Self Supporting)
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Graduate BS Computer Science
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Graduate BS Information Technology (IT)
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Graduate BS Computer Science Self-Supporting
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M. Phil M.Phil Remote Sensing & Geographical Information System (RSGIS)
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M. Phil M.Phil (Computer Science)
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Masters M.Sc IT (Morning)
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Masters M.Sc IT Self-Supporting
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Masters BS Information Technology (IT) Self-Supporting
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Masters MSc in Computer Science (Morning / Self-Supporting)
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Ph. D Ph.D Computer Science
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Degree Program Name small bullet small bullet small bullet
Graduate BBA (Hons.) Banking & Finance 4 Years Morning Program
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Graduate BBA (Hons.) Banking & Finance 4 Years Self-Supporting Program
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Degree Program Name small bullet small bullet small bullet
Graduate B.Com. (Hons.), 4 Years Morning
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Graduate B.Com (Hons.) 4 Years Self-Supporting Program
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M. Phil M.Phil (Commerce)
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Masters M.Com (3.5 Years), Morning Program
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Masters M.Com (3.5 Years), Self-Supporting Program
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Masters M.Com (Hons.)
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Ph. D PhD (Commerce)
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Degree Program Name small bullet small bullet small bullet
Diploma PGD in Business Administration (Self Supporting Program)
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Graduate BBA (Hons.) 4 Years Morning Program
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Graduate BBA (Hons.) 4 Years Self-Supporting Program
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Masters MBA (Evening Program)
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Masters MBA (1.5 Years)
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Degree Program Name small bullet small bullet small bullet
Masters MA English (Morning Program)
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Masters MA English (Self Supporting Program)
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Degree Program Name small bullet small bullet small bullet
Diploma Diploma in Environmental Laws (DEL)
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Graduate LL.B 5 Years Morning Program (Annual System)
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Degree Program Name small bullet small bullet small bullet
Graduate BSIT (Hons.), 4 Years Morning Program
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Graduate BSIT (Hons.), 4 Years Self-Supporting Program
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Masters M.Sc. IT 2 Years Morning Program
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Masters M.Sc. IT 2 Years Self-Supporting Program
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Degree Program Name small bullet small bullet small bullet
Graduate B.Com (Hons) 4Years (Morning / Replica / Self-Supporting)
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Degree Program Name small bullet small bullet small bullet
Graduate BBA (Hons) 4Years (Morning / Replica / Self-Supporting)
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Degree Program Name small bullet small bullet small bullet
Masters LL.B 5 Years Program (Annual System)
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Degree Program Name small bullet small bullet small bullet
Graduate BS Computer Science (Hons) 4Years (Morning / Replica / Self-Supporting)
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small bullet
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small bullet
Ad Reference ID: 92857c573520bcfc

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