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White House Grammar school (F.B Area Campus)

  • Listed: August 29, 2016 9:31 am
White House Grammar school (F.B Area Campus)


Mission Statement
To empower students with knowledge and wisdom to thrive as academically sound, technically proficient, morally conscientious and socially adaptive citizens of a global society.

Vision Statement
To establish our identity as an institution forming a central part ofthe vibrant core of a promising yet cultural community.


WHGS provides education to children from the age of 2 years to 18 years. Apart from offering O Level examinations held under the Cambridge International Examinations (CIE), conducted by the Cambridge University, UK and Secondary School Certificate (SSC) examinations held under Board of Secondary Education Karachi, we are now offering Higher Secondary School Certificate held under the Board of Intermediate Education Karachi.

Ad Reference ID: 61857c3ba869b4ac

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